CM Punk AEW Debut was “Number One Moment” in his career


Hamish Woodward

CM Punk AEW Debut was “Number One Moment” in his career

Do you think the CM Punk AEW Rampage debut is the best moment of his career?

CM Punk AEW debut was one of the greatest returns in wrestling history, and it seems that CM Punk would agree with that. The former WWE Champion was in tears live on AEW Rampage as he made his long awaited return to wrestling after walking out of WWE over seven years ago.

The date was August 20th 2021 when CM Punk returned to wrestling. Fans sold out the United Center within minutes at just a hint of a potential CM Punk AEW appearance. Despite AEW announcing nothing, word spread like wildfire that something special could be happening. It was only the second ever episode of AEW Rampage, but the fans just knew.

CM Punk is back.

Fans didn’t have to wait long to see their hero in Chicago, as just seconds into AEW Rampage CM Punk made his first appearance in 7 years, as Cult of Personality blared through the arena’s speakers.

He took his time making his way to the ring, as tears streamed down his face as he basked in the love of all the fans that had turned out in their droves upon a whisper that he could be debuting for AEW.

Punk sat cross legged in the ring, just as he had done during his famous “Pipebomb Promo” 10 years earlier. He regaled the crowd with thanks and an explanation why he had been gone so long. He put over rising star Britt Baker, and told the fans that, whilst he didn’t want to leave wrestling in 2014, he was “never going to get healthy in the same place that got him sick in the first place.”

He told the crowd that on August 13th 2005, he left “Professional Wrestling” for good and signed for WWE, the home of “Sports Entertainment”. He said he had not been part of professional wrestling since that day, but on August 20th 2021, he came back.

The CM Punk AEW rumours were true and he was back for good.


cm punk aew

CM Punk revealed his best ever career moment was his aforementioned debut in AEW in 2021. In an interview on ESPN’s Sportsnation, Punk reflected on his career so far and his time in AEW. In said interview, he revealed that his favourite moment in his career so far was walking out at the United Center in front of 14,000 screaming fans in his home state of Chicago

“I definitely think it’s the number one moment of my career,” CM Punk said. “I’ve been fortunate, I ‘ve done a lot of cool things, won titles, sold out buildings, wrestled a lot of big names. But to come back after seven years and have that be the response? It shows you that I think that I left my fingerprints all over the industry.

“I know we cheated a little bit and it was in my hometown, but still, to sell out the United Center on a rumour and to come back and feel that love, it’s pretty incredible. And it’s still a little bit overwhelming to tell you the truth.”

It was one of the best debuts of all time, but it was just the beginning of CM Punk in AEW. Since his incredible re-emergence in wrestling, CM Punk has had some all time great promos and some incredible matches against some of the brightest young stars in All Elite Wrestling.

Some of the best CM Punk matches in AEW include his first match back against Darby Allin at All Out 2021 in Chicago. He also had a fantastic bout against fan-favourite Eddie Kingston at Full Gear 2021, with some ridiculously good promos between the two building to the heated match up.

However, he finally hit full stride with his feud with MJF. Starting from Punk simply refusing to shake the young MJF’s, it turned into one of the most emotional and brutal feuds in AEW history. It led to MJF giving CM Punk his first AEW defeat in his hometown of Chicago, and culminated in a bloody dog-collar match at AEW Revolution 2022 to end the feud.

The feud also featured the incredible MJF promo that had the wrestling world talking, and made the unthinkable MJF face turn a possibility in the future.

What did you think of CM Punk AEW debut? Was it the best moment of CM Punk’s career so far? Let us know in the comments or click below to read more.

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